

XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀

產(chǎn)品名稱: XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀
產(chǎn)品型號(hào): 529 528 1040
產(chǎn)品展商: XY
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無(wú)相關(guān)文檔


XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀 Plate machine cutting dumbbell type I cutting dumbbell type II knife cutting dumbbell type IV cutting dumbbell v-shaped cutting knife combustion cutting knife bending and cutting knife Grab sample cutting blade sample cutting knife XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀 Cutter: Ⅰ type 6 x115 Ⅱ type 4 x75 Ⅲ type 2 x35 Ⅳ type 4 x50 Ⅴ type x110 10

XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀  的詳細(xì)介紹

XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀 

The cutting basic categories:     XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀
1, jiangdu xuan yu instrument of national standard 3 x 100 plastic film, tube dumbbell cutting knife
2, jiangdu xuan yu instrument of national standard 4 x 75 rubber dumbbell lines, cable cutter [2] # type
3 jiangdu xuan yu instrument of national standard 4 x 50 rubber dumbbell lines, cable cutter [3] # type
4, jiangdu xuan yu instrument of national standard 5 x 56 moulding, resin dumbbell cutting knife
5, jiangdu xuan yu instrument of national standard 6 x 115 rubber, plastic dumbbell cutting knife [1] # type
6, jiangdu xuan yu instrument of national standard 10 x 120 plastic dumbbell cutting knife

7, jiangdu xuan yu instrument national standard 10 x 150 plastic dumbbell cutting knife

8, jiangdu xuan yu instrument national standard 13 x 152 porous dumbbell cutting knife

9, rubber plastic tear cutting knife                                     XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀

10, window of model steel door double V notched impact cutting knife

11, tear and cutting knife

12 leaves, the type of cutting knife

12.7 x 90 ° apart and cutting knife, 12.7 x 90 ° apart the cutting knife, 10 x 100 mm pants type cutter. Waterproof special cutter 25 * 200 mm, 25 x 100 mm. Rubber compression special cutter ¢29, ¢13 welcome to drawings of various non-standard. National standard cutting knife.

XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀 Plate machine cutting dumbbell type I cutting dumbbell type II knife cutting dumbbell type IV cutting dumbbell v-shaped cutting knife combustion cutting knife bending and cutting knife Grab sample cutting blade sample cutting knife
Cutter: Ⅰ type 6 x115 Ⅱ type 4 x75 Ⅲ type 2 x35 Ⅳ type 4 x50 Ⅴ type x110 10
XY Rubber cutting knife橡膠裁刀      http://www.jzhled.cn 

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